Diet For Dermatitis: Foods That Heal Your Skin


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Although many times we do not relate it, the foods that we consume can be decisive to alleviate certain conditions. The diet for dermatitis is responsible for combating it from the inside to relieve its symptoms.

Do you want to know a diet for dermatitis that will help you take care of your skin? Or what are the foods you should avoid in your daily meals to increase the chances of this condition disappearing?

Then you must read the information that we will provide in this article. We will detail the most recommended food for those who suffer from dermatitis. There are products and nutrients that can help us control this inflammation in the skin. These can be a good complement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

It is estimated that food allergy prevails in the child population between 3 and 13% and, in the adult, between 1 and 2%. In the case of children, it is usually expressed in the form of atopic dermatitis, anaphylaxis or gastrointestinal problems. Also, it is common for many infants and adults who are diagnosed as atopic to have asthma attacks.

What is dermatitis?

Dermatitis is defined as an inflammation in the skin. It can originate for different reasons and manifest itself in multiple ways.

However, in most cases it usually causes a rash accompanied by an itching on the swollen and reddened skin. Further:

  • The skin that presents this condition tends to produce blisters that segregate and form a crust.
  • Also, dermatitis can manifest as a topic, in the form of rashes or dandruff in contact with various elements. Among them we find some soaps, poison ivy and jewelry made from nickel.

This allergic reaction is not contagious. However, those who suffer from some type of dermatitis usually feel very self-conscious and uncomfortable. These aspects can influence when interacting with other people.

How much does the diet influence?

When dermatitis appears in our lives it means that the skin is going through a stage of hypersensitivity. This means that the immune system is altered, which causes it to have an excessive response to the attacks of external allergens.

In this sense, it has been proven that part of the origin of this inflation in the skin is located at the intestinal level. This is because many microorganisms present in the intestine are responsible for regulating your immune system.

For what is this? The immune system is capable of generating 80% of the defenses that are synthesized in the intestinal microbiota.

For this reason it is essential that the microbiota remain active. This can be achieved through the daily intake of foods that are enriched in probiotics and prebiotics.

What foods should I consume in the diet for dermatitis?

The diet for dermatitis should be integrated by foods that can provide antioxidants and membrane lipids. Some of them are:

Foods rich in omega 3

If you want to help these blisters disappear from your body, you should consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These, thanks to their antioxidant power, will help strengthen your immune system. You can find them in algae or blue fish, for example.

Likewise, you could also decrease sources rich in omega 6, such as proteins of animal origin and refined oils. The latter could aggravate the symptoms of the respective dermatitis that you suffer.

Foods rich in sulfur

This mineral acts as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. In addition, it helps to strengthen the skin barrier and promote the restoration of affected tissues. This is because it favors the formation of keratin and collagen.

However, it should be kept in mind that it should not be applied topically on the skin. Otherwise, this could cause irritation or dryness, among other things.

Foods rich in vitamin B5

This pantothenic acid acts in a similar way to sulfur-rich foods, since it also has anti-inflammatory properties. To obtain it, it consumes legumes, liver, mushrooms, brown rice, egg or mushrooms, among others.

Foods not recommended in the diet for dermatitis

We just explained that there are foods that can benefit you in your skin problems.

However, there are also others that could worsen or hasten the symptoms of dermatitis. These would act similarly to those that are capable of causing allergies.

Some foods that you should avoid are those that are likely to cause allergy (such as dairy or wheat). Thus, among the products that you should avoid in case you suffer from this condition are the following:

  • Foods fermented or containing amines
  • Mustard
  • Chocolate
  • Proteins that come from milk or wheat
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Fried
  • Saturated or trans foods
  • Refined carbohydrates (Bread, pastries, pasta, cookies)
  • Red meats
  • Honey

Additional data

Also, to avoid suffering from constipation, you should raise the intake of fiber, water and prebiotic foods such as beets, spinach, goat cheese or grated apple.

Take note

In addition to all the above, you can implement the following tips:

Eat five to six times a day. Meet an established schedule and include in each of your intakes unsaturated fat, lean protein and carbohydrates with low glycemic load.

Have breakfast during the first hour after waking up.

Do not let a lapse of more than four or five hours between meals.

Exercise constantly. If you have hard time training, you can only spend 40 minutes a day walking.

Try to avoid or reduce the degree of stress. This, like caffeine, is a stimulant to increase insulin levels in our body.

Always consult your doctor. This diet for dermatitis can help you improve the condition of your skin. However, it does not constitute a treatment. To obtain the best results it is best to combine the intake of these foods with the appropriate treatment.

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